Thursday, September 17, 2009

Love them simply!

Those simple things of life that make my day...

- Getting long mails or long calls from the ones who matter... (the one-liner scraps are a poor substitute) .

- CHOCOLATES. Chocolate pastry, cholocate ice-cream, all varieties of chocolate biscuits, double chocolate fudge cake, chocolate sauce, choco-shakes. Even choco-flavoured lip-gloss. (yeah, they do exist!)

- Going to bed knowing that i don't have to wake up early the next morning.

- That wonderful blend of a little sunshine interspersed with a little rain.

- The colour Purple. With its related shades of Violet and Mauve! A splash of purple (in vision or in thoughts) brighten my day.

- Going through old photographs and old mails. My dormant rediffmail account is my personal attic. I do try to clean it up at times... but then, there are too many memories.

- Coming across a well-formed string of words (a line or a paragraph)... and churning it over n' over in my mind... till I blend my life in those few words. I guess it's a lot like the way a song haunts you for days. For me, it has always been the words.

- Storms. They inspire dreams. And transport me to the Enid Blyton days of Adventures and Lighthouses.

- The First Rain in Summer. And the dreamy  romanticism my mind invariably associates with it.

- Bourborne biscuits with hot coffee.

- Gifts. Wrapped with bright n' glossy papers. With a bow on top. And stickers. Gone are the days of 'brown paper packages'. Today, the packaging matters the most. What's inside is of lesser significance to me.
(This packaging passion is only applicable to material gifts)

- Sandwiches (in any form and content) for Breakfast. With fruit-juice. Or for lunch. And/or Dinner. I can live on them. Happily.

- Knowing I have friends whom I can wake up even in the middle of the night just 'cause I feel like talking to them.

- A good conversation. With someone who talks well and listens well. To what I mean... not merely what I say. (And who knows me well enough not be presumptuous!)

- Waking up and immediately getting back to the book I was reading the last night. Infact, I love waking up to the warmth of an unfinished book.

- Gliding out of sleep at the dead of the night just to watch him sleep peacefully beside me. It's what I love doing bestest. I actually set my alarm clock (in vibration, ofcourse ! ) to wake me up at an uncanny hour... just for those few moments of serene bliss... till I drift back to sleep again. It makes my day... and it makes my life.

Monday, September 14, 2009

... And The Dark Rain

The rainy nights. Once again!

Yeah, it rained incessantly here in Delhi. For no apparent reason whatsoever. And the nights grew gloomy again... with that unwanted chill in the air... and the neighbourhood sunk into the depths of an eerie silence.

Don’t get me wrong. I have absolutely nothing against the Monsoon. Years back, we had forgotten our differences and had formed a promising new friendship... Me and The Rain. And we still hold strong. And that's just the problem.

The drizzle of the Rain brings forth a rush of old memories. Rain-washed Kolkata. The challenge of taking on the waterlogged streets on high heels. My ecstasy over the 'First Rain in Summer' each year. The dream of a rainbow. Cuddling up with an Enid Blyton in a corner of my bed while it rained a bit, blew a bit, shone a bit... and the weather couldn't seem to make up its mind till it was too late for others to make up their's.

The pittar-patter of the raindrops bring with it the aroma of 'Home'. Of Kolkata. Of plans made and plans spoiled. Of friends and fun. Of my bed back home, with lots of pillows all around me. Of silly dreams, worries and excitements... most of which my present life fail to relate to. Of Ma and Baba... and a younger (and much wiser) version of Me in the warmth of my 'COMFORT ZONE'.

So, back to the Present... on a rainy night, at our home in Delhi... in a room which I now call my own... I lay wide awake. Trying to ignore a burden of memories and to wipe off a shower of irrelevant thoughts.

... And maybe I had dozed off for a while, coz I woke up to be Happy again. Joyful with newer dreams. Blissful with newer expectations. With a guy I didnt even know last Monsoon. A guy for whom right now I believe I can lay down a thousand monsoons of my life.

So bring on the Rain and bring on the Thunder... but I was happy again. Back to my natural sunny disposition at the middle of a dead night.

And as I came to terms with life once more, I hastened to clarify, to explain it all to the Rain. And thus to regain our lost bond... once again! The Rain and I...