- Getting long mails or long calls from the ones who matter... (the one-liner scraps are a poor substitute) .
- CHOCOLATES. Chocolate past

ry, cholocate ice-cream, all varieties of chocolate biscuits, double chocolate fudge cake, chocolate sauce, choco-shakes. Even choco-flavoured lip-gloss. (
yeah, they do exist!)
- Going to bed knowing that i don't have to wake up early the next morning.
- That wonderful blend of a little sunshine interspersed with a little rain.
- The colour
Purple. With its related shades of
Violet and
Mauve! A splash of purple (in vision or in thoughts) brighten my day.
- Going through old photographs and old mails. My dormant rediffmail account is my personal attic. I do try to clean it up at times... but then, there are too many memories.
- Coming across a well-formed string of words (a line or a paragraph)... and churning it over n' over in my mind... till I blend my life in those few words. I guess it's a lot like the way a song haunts you for days. For me, it has always been
the words.
- Storms. They inspire dreams. And transport me to the Enid Blyton days of
Adventures and
- The First Rain in Summer. And the dreamy romanticism my mind invariably associates with it.
- Bourborne biscuits with hot coffee.
- Gifts. Wrapped with bright n' glossy papers. With a bow on top. And stickers. Gon
e are the

days of 'brown paper packages'. Today, the packaging matters the most. What's inside is of lesser significance to me.
(This packaging passion is only applicable to material gifts)

Sandwiches (in any form and content) for Breakfast. With fruit-juice. Or for lunch. And/or Dinner. I can live on them. Happily.
- Knowing I have friends whom I can wake up even in the middle of the night just 'cause I feel like talking to them.
- A good conversation. With someone who talks well and
. To what I mean... not merely what I say. (And who knows me well enough not be presumptuous!)
- Waking up and immediately getting back to the book I was reading the last night. Infact, I love waking up to the warmth of an unfinished book.